Saturday, May 9, 2009

Kids who Volunteer

Today I came across a young man's story here. 11 year-old Zach Bonner, from Tampa, FL started his own non-profit organization called the Little Red Wagon Foundation. His mission is to walk from Atlanta to DC and raise money for homeless kids across America. He has a passion for helping people, using his trademark red wagon to hold and distribute food items and bottled water when Hurricane Charley hit FL in 2004.

With technology driving people to stay in tune to their social networking sites, video games and fancy cell phones, we (I include myself here) could be steering away from volunteering. Volunteering is a good way to rebuild your resume and teach your children values. And although us single mothers have limited time to volunteer, there are ways to make time to do a good deed. Besides, our children need to see the importance of helping others. Check out sites such as and

Kudos to Zach! I am rooting for you and will make a pledge to your mission. Hopefully I will see you in DC!

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